Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Joy Got Adopted!

So happy for my girl Joy. Her furever family found her and took her home.
She will be loved and spoiled. Her new name is Ziggy. So cute! Congratulations Ziggy!

1 comment:

  1. Ziggy is our love dog, our special girl, and we are so happy to have her. She finally gets that this is her home and now she's stuck with us, but I don't think she minds. She has started obedience training and has a bit of an issue with the other dogs but settles down quickly and is learning our commands. (Luckily she was well-trained in certain things like not biting, not rushing to her food, etc., so those more problematic issues are not ours to worry about.) She loves her kennel and will crawl back in to sleep after she has been taken out in the morning while she waits for her boy to wake up. She also loves snoozing in the smallest space possible next to Mom's desk and chair while Mom is on the computer. She is learning our neighborhood, the dogs around, the paths we like to walk. She also likes walking in Madame's neighborhood in Glendale while her boy is getting his language lesson, and she LOVES visiting Grandma, who has a fenced in yard and treats and lots of great smells to sniff out. The children in the neighborhood loved petting her, and she was wonderfully patient and sweet. The biggest problem will be when her boy goes back to school--who is going to be around to give her all those hugs?
